Americans for Responsible Solutions

Services: Identity/Branding | Web Development |
On January 8, 2011, a mentally ill young man shot Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, killed six of her constituents, and wounded 12 others. In the following months, Congresswoman Giffords took time to focus on her recovery and eventually resigning from office in January of 2012. Along with her husband, Astronaut Mark Kelly, she watched as more mass shootings happened throughout the U.S. with no action from Congress. On December 14, 2012 the tragedy in Newtown occurred and Gabby and Mark felt they could no longer stand by as more shootings took place.
Gabby and Mark’s team contacted our firm to tackle this project. They would need a brand identity and website for their new project in less than two weeks. This deadline was immovable, as it was important that they launch their new organization on the second anniversary of the Tucson shooting.
In less than two weeks time, we created a logo and brand identity for their new organization, Americans for Responsible Solutions (ARS), as well as simple splash site that introduced the organization and asked for supporters to join the cause.
In the following weeks, the website was expanded to a full site that included paths for supporters to take action and contact their representative in Congress, connect with ARS on social media, and spread the word about ARS with a tell-a-friend tool. Most importantly, the website gave ARS pathways to accept donations and raise money to support their efforts.