Yes on 522

Services: Digital Strategy | Fundraising Strategy | Web Development |
Yes on 522 was the statewide ballot initiative to label genetically engineered foods in Washington State. After collecting 350,000 it was presented to the voters of Washington State in November, 2013.
The campaign was a coalition of partners that included farmers, business owners, health care professionals, organic food activists, parents, and environmentalists.
Major corporations including Monsanto, Dow Chemical, Dupont, and the Grocery Manufacturers Association bankrolled the opposition and spent record-breaking amounts to defeat I-522. The imbalance of funding was unprecedented in Washington State and the initiative was outspent 3 to 1.
Through polling and focus groups we clarified our message: you have a right to know what’s in the food you eat and feed your family. Staying on message and driving the “right to know” point home was critical and permeated every aspect of the campaign.